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The Qur’an and historical criticism

In response to a well-known examination of the historical problems of The Koran, written before 9-11 by Toby Lester in The Atlantic, Seyyed Hossein Nasr said The acceptance of the Koran as the word of God suggests that the so-called historical and textual study of the Koran is tantamount to . . . . Continue Reading »

Thirty Three Things (v. 15)

1. Recalling the “Green Book,” a guide for black travelers For almost three decades beginning in 1936, many African-American travelers relied on a booklet to help them decide where they could comfortably eat, sleep, buy gas, find a tailor or beauty parlor, shop on a honeymoon to Niagara . . . . Continue Reading »

The Close of the Day

View the Westminster Hall Speech via the Telegraph ’s live blog. From the same blog, a last glimpse of the Pope as night falls on Britain: “Eagle-eyed Pope fans spot Benedict walking up and down in front of the building, rosary beads in hand before retiring for the night.” . . . . Continue Reading »

Mission Accomplished at Westminster

The pope’s historic speech at Westminster Hall , the political centerpiece of his visit to Britain, was everything one could have hoped for. Principled, sincere and generous, Benedict thanked his hosts and praised those elements of British society in harmony with Catholic teaching. At the same . . . . Continue Reading »

Poetry Reading by Christian Wiman

First Things is pleased to announce our next event : renowned poet Christian Wiman will be giving a reading here at our editorial offices in Manhattan on October 29, at 6 p.m. Wiman is editor of Poetry magazine. His most recent collection, Every Riven Thing , is just out from Farrar Straus Giroux . . . . Continue Reading »

Loving theoretical activity

In the absence of a general cross-referencing apparatus to aid readers in negotiating the multiple First Things blogs, I thought I would draw the attention of Evangel readers to R. R. Reno’s Love Rather Than Theory, published yesterday at On the Square. It’s an important piece well worth . . . . Continue Reading »



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