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Benedict Leaves More to Build On

Ross Douthat writes in the New York Times : On Saturday, Benedict addressed Britain’s politicians in the very hall where Sir Thomas More, the great Catholic martyr, was condemned to death for opposing the reformation of Henry VIII. It was an extraordinary moment, and a reminder of the . . . . Continue Reading »

A Pope for All Seasons

I saw the pope in Fatima this past spring. I wound up with a decent spot for Mass there, and couldn’t help but watch the Holy Father’s face throughout the Mass and subsequent adoration of the Blessed Sacrament. The man was being renewed there. He was taking energy from the crowd and the . . . . Continue Reading »

Say You Want A Revolution?

Tip-o-the-hat to Salem, Oregon’s resident conservative, Mr. Bill Parsons, for alerting me to Dr. Angelo M. Codevilla’s essay, America’s Ruling Class — And the Perils of Revolution : . . . . Continue Reading »

Benedict Busts Stereotypes

Leonie Caldecott is a Catholic writer living with her family in Oxford. She and her husband run the Centre for Faith and Culture and work with Thomas More College New Hampshire on a journal of faith and culture, Second Spring , as well as a regular summer school. They are also the U.K. editors of . . . . Continue Reading »

Benedict, Longtime JHN Fan

No papal anything is complete without reading John Allen. As the chattering class that cares complains about Benedict XVI making Newman in his own image, for some kind of political win, Allen points out that Benedict is no newcomer to Newman: Ratzinger is no Johnny-come-lately to his fondness for . . . . Continue Reading »

Euthanasia: An Obsession of the Very Few

I have fought against assisted suicide/euthanasia since 1993 with as much energy and imagination as I possess.  The issue matters a lot to me.  I think stopping the death agenda is crucial to maintaining an equal and truly compassionate society.It is also very important to people like . . . . Continue Reading »

The Real John Henry Newman

Those fortunate enough to have taken in Pope Benedict’s celebration of Cardinal Newman—at both Saturday’s  prayer vigil , and the  Mass and beatification early Sunday—were not disappointed. The solemnity of the occasion, the readings and beautiful hymns sung, the . . . . Continue Reading »

Dusting Off the Blessed Cardinal

The Cardinal Newman Society in America is probably known best for protesting morally questionable speakers at Catholic colleges and universities. But they also serve as a support for orthodox educators and administrators and students. And they also are playing a role in the preservation of Cardinal . . . . Continue Reading »

The “Reform” Mantra & Movement, a Problem

While a growing plurality of the American public rejects the specific initiatives of the Obama Administration (health care reform, the stimulus bill, “too big to fail”), the President and Democratic Congress have earned their high disapproval ratings largely by ignoring the fact that a . . . . Continue Reading »



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