Secondhand Smokette and I are heading to Wyoming for horseback riding, hiking, photography (always!), Scrabble (we walk on the wild side!), and general relaxation. I am taking my laptop, but I doubt the places where we are staying will have broadband. If not, I won’t post. If so, I’ll try to sneak a few in while Debra isn’t looking.
But, for those few who may not want a vacation from me, I leave you with a speech and a rough cut interview from my time in Australia. The speech was my first, in Brisbane, a very picturesque looking place that I didn’t get to see because of the chop-chop schedule: It was fly in, private lunch, radio interview, private dinner (where the interview took place), and then the talk. Some SHSers came to meet me! The next day, it was off to Melbourne.
The speech warns about an “undignified” bioethics and defends human exceptionalism in the medical context.
Wesley J. Smith Where Are Life Ethics Heading? from Andrew Smith on Vimeo.
This “raw” interview is uncut, just as it happened—including a visit by Rocket the dog. It mostly concerns assisted suicide.
Wesley J. Smith raw interview from Andrew Smith on Vimeo.
Much thanks to independent filmmaker Andrew Smith (no relation) for taking the time and energy to record my words and for posting them on-line.