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Wash Your Hands

“Hand washing removes more than dirt—it also removes the guilt of past misdeeds, weakens the urge to engage in compensatory behavior, and attenuates the impact of disgust on moral judgment,” reported an article in the journal Nature titled “Washing Away Postdecisional . . . . Continue Reading »

A Respite for the Copts

We reported in mid-June that an Egyptian court was trying to force the Coptic Church— a minority in the country, reportedly representing 10 percent of the population —  to change its marital discipline and let divorced members remarry in church. Egypt’s highest court has . . . . Continue Reading »

The Belgian Scandal and the Church’s Future

Today’s New York Times breaks more news about the investigations of the Belgian church. It’s an ugly story, a very ugly story. A bishop, his 10-year-old nephew, sexual molestation—-and the all too familiar story of ecclesiastical retreat from reality as the Belgian hierarchy . . . . Continue Reading »

Prayers for Christopher Hitchens

Our friend and frequent contributor Father Edward Oakes (see here , here , and here for recent “On the Square” articles), sends the link to his colleague Father Robert Barron’s Why Christians should pray for Christopher Hitchens . What Hitchens’ suffering means, and what God . . . . Continue Reading »

Hitler Goes Motown

Am I the only one who finds this youtube video kinda creepy? Yes, Charlie Chaplin lampooned Hitler decades ago in The Great Dictator (1940). But the critical edge was plain to see. This video, which has Der Fuehrer singing the theme song to The Jeffersons , is more in the spirit of Mel Brooks, who . . . . Continue Reading »



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