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Hammering on Rome

Wow. The New York Times can’t stop itself. In an editorial on Saturday , the Grey Lady deemed last weeks changes to the motu proprio concerning crimes against the holy sacraments worse than inadequate. “Among all the defensive posturing and inept statements,” write the editors, there . . . . Continue Reading »

The Happy Prince Comes to New York City

This September, when strollers along New York’s Fifth Avenue reach the southeast corner of Central Park, at 60th Street, they will come across a ruined monument. The glass-reinforced concrete sculpture, brand-new and all of a piece despite its jumbled and scattered appearance, is called The . . . . Continue Reading »

Inception’s misconception!

My wife and I went to see Inception Saturday afternoon. I don’t have much ‘good’ to say about the film other than I liked it. It was way to long, and the film itself seemed intent on providing images of  some college sophomore’s perspective of T.S Eliot’s ” . . . . Continue Reading »

Sex, Death, and Twilight

Is the Twilight series a faith-based paean to chastity? That is what author Stephanie Meyers claims . As Kathleen Gilbert notes, Twilight author Stephenie Meyer is widely known to be a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (LDS), and openly acknowledges that her faith has had an . . . . Continue Reading »

First Links – 7.19.10

Abortion foes win a round in health overhaul , AP Abortion foes have scored a victory and traditional allies of the Obama administration are grumbling about a decision to ban most abortion coverage in insurance pools for those unable to purchase health care on their own. The Catholic bishops . . . . Continue Reading »

Bonhoeffer and the Free Church

I’ve been reading through Eric Metaxas’ biography of Dietrich Bonhoeffer . It is truly excellent. At points it almost has a dreamlike quality. I highly recommend it. What motivates this post is the point in the narrative where the German state church is confronted by the Aryan Paragraph . . . . Continue Reading »



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