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Pope Benedict Champions the Angelic Doctor

Pope Benedict devoted the talk at yesterday’s general audience to a full throated commendation of the theology of St. Thomas. After detailing the way in which the Angelic Doctor gets the relation of faith and reason just right, the Pope concludes : St. Thomas offers us a wide and enduring . . . . Continue Reading »

Too Long a Road

Something a parent thinks about: Long Road to Adulthood Is Growing Even Longer : People between 20 and 34 are taking longer to finish their educations, establish themselves in careers, marry, have children and become financially independent . . . .  Marriage and parenthood — once seen as . . . . Continue Reading »

The Fire Needs Wood

In The Neglected Fireplace: Protestantism and the Arts , today’s “On the Square” article, Matthew Milliner argues that “Protestant churches have come to a new level of liturgical maturity, understanding the necessity for restraint, humility, and historical precedent . . . . Continue Reading »

Notre Dame All Over Again?

In May of last year, Joseph Bottum gave account in “ At the Gates of Notre Dame ” of the perfect storm set in motion by the University of Notre Dame’s public veneration of President Obama, which brought preexisting tensions between public Catholicism and university life to a head. . . . . Continue Reading »



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