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Movie Review: The Karate Kid (2010)

Some good things, but mostly bad. I hate to say that about a Will Smith (co-producer) movie. But that’s the way it is.There was homage paid to the original Karate Kid. As a bit of parody, when (Mr. Han) Jackie Chan attempted to catch a fly with his chopsticks, he became frustrated with the . . . . Continue Reading »

Thirty Three Things (v. 2)

1. Alain de Botton on fasting for the mind : A student pursuing a degree in the humanities can expect to run through 1,000 books before graduation day. A wealthy family in England in 1250 might have owned three books: a Bible, a collection of prayers, and a life of the saints—this modestly . . . . Continue Reading »

For Father’s Day: Pa Can Smell Papal

With Father’s Day closing in, the question of what to get for Dad this year looms large. He’s got far too many ties, including a few (relics of Father’s Days past) that he wore once and will never, ever wear again. He’s got the original Star Wars trilogy (Widescreen Edition with . . . . Continue Reading »

There Will Be Blood

My friend Stephen Barr is one of the gentlest people I know, and I’m surprised but grateful to have him weigh in on the death penalty . I only wish he were replying to my actual argument—as mentioned in my online discussions of the Ronnie Lee Gardner case on Monday and on Friday , and as . . . . Continue Reading »



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