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When the Long Ships Return

From the Language Log blog , a note of a story much-reported on the web the past few days: Richard Smith, a 41-year-old care worker in Carlisle, England, did not think his name did justice to the exciting person that he actually was, so he changed his name by deed poll. The new name he chose was . . . . Continue Reading »


What’s a blog for if you can’t sometimes indulge yourself? Sam Frank, the son of two of my close friends from college ends his sophomore year at St John’s on their nationally ranked croquet team. Croquet Weekend - 4.17.10 from Noah on Vimeo . Um, I know. It’s only croquet . . . . Continue Reading »

Contracepting the Passions

Something a little old but perhaps of interest to some of you who missed it as I did: Michael New’s How Red States Reduce the Abortion Rate . Among the claims he addresses is the common one that government should promote contraception as a way to reduce the abortion rate. He notes that . . . . Continue Reading »



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