Why don’t pro-life evangelicals have much to say about the Annunciationor the unborn Jesus? Ted Olsen raises that question in an intriguing article at Christianity Today : One might expect American evangelicals to be among the most enthusiastic celebrants of what is known as the . . . . Continue Reading »
Just about every evangelical church has lay people positioned as elders and teachers, rarely with formal theological training. Obviously, formal training doesn’t necessarily make one a good teacher, but it gives warrant to the belief that the person has a certain degree of knowledge of what . . . . Continue Reading »
Readers who enjoyed Matthew Hanley’s Should Catholic Charities Settle for Harm Reduction? , today’s On the Square article, may also want to read his new book Affirming Love, Avoiding AIDS: What Africa Can Teach the West , soon to be published by the National Catholic Bioethics Center. . . . . Continue Reading »
From StrangeMaps : The US is one of the worlds biggest countries, with one of the worlds most numerous populations [1]. The 23rd Census of the United States, now under way, will provide us with updated information on the current size of Americas population, but until then, . . . . Continue Reading »
This blog post was originally published in the Fall 2008 issue of The College, a magazine of St. John’s College. The College asked alumni to describe a book that was important in their lives.RESONANT VOICESTo the shock of every Johnnie, no book has changed my life! I believe only authors are . . . . Continue Reading »
Mars Hill Church Public Relations Director Nick Bogardus interviews Michael S. Horton, the J. Gresham Machen Professor of Systematic Theology and Apologetics at Westminster Seminary California. Dr. Horton is the president of White Horse Media, for which he co-hosts the White Horse Inn, a nationally . . . . Continue Reading »
The fat lady hasn’t sung. A large majority of the people want opponents of Obamacare to keep fighting it, according to a CBS poll. From the story:A CBS News poll released Wednesday finds that nearly two in three Americans want Republicans in Congress to continue to challenge parts . . . . Continue Reading »
President Obama is spending this country into a state of financial collapse akin to Greece—or worse, California. And yet, when a little more money could have helped ease our growing doctor shortage, Obamacare failed to provide the fix.Here’s the story: Back in 1996, in a truly . . . . Continue Reading »
By adding my own.In case you missed it, folks have been listing the ten books that either influenced them, they liked the most, or are best in their category (like Dr. Sanders’ theology list).Problems of determining ‘influence’ aside, then, here’s my list of ten books (plus . . . . Continue Reading »
Did you miss out on the NCAA Basketball tournament because you were reading Middlemarch ? Have you ever argued with friends about the merits of Pale Fire versus Gravity’s Rainbow ? Then this tournament is for you. [caption id=”attachment_14086” align=”alignright” . . . . Continue Reading »