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The Most Reproduced Work of Art in the World

What would you guess is the most reproduced work of art in the world? A work of Islamic art? The Mona Lisa ? Monet’s Water Lillies (which can be found in the dorm room of every college-aged female in America)? The answer is likely to surprise you—unless you’re British It’s an . . . . Continue Reading »

Barry Hannah: Peaceful at Last

My home state of Mississippi breeds storytellers like Washington DC breeds scoundrels.  We lost a giant yesterday, Barry Hannah (1942 - 2010).  I met him a few times, once when I lived next door to his son and Barry rang my door bell by mistake (our apartments were . . . . Continue Reading »

Welcome to the Jewish Review of Books

David Klinghoffer, the “Kingdom of Priests” blogger at Beliefnet, was telling me the other day about the Orthodox shul in Seattle at which he davens. Very few members of the synagogue (the rabbi excepted) were raised in Orthodox homes. Almost all are Jews who embraced Orthodoxy as . . . . Continue Reading »

Rights, freedom and justice

The following was published in the 9 March 2009 issue of Christian Courier as part of my “Principalities & Powers” column:In our postchristian society, appeals to human rights have become the functional equivalent of the biblical prophets’ “thus saith the Lord.” . . . . Continue Reading »

On the History of Empires and Theology

Niall Ferguson provides a simple, clear, and insightful portrayal of the (potential) rise and fall of the American empire in his article Complexity and Collapse, Empires on the Edge of Chaos, from the March/April 2010 edition of Foreign Affairs. The thread of his analysis follows a thread provided . . . . Continue Reading »

Is Poverty In Africa Falling?

From the abstract of Pinkovskiy and Sala?i?Martin’s working paper ” African Poverty is Falling . . . Much Faster than You Think! ” (PDF): The conventional wisdom that Africa is not reducing poverty is wrong. Using the methodology of Pinkovskiy and Sala?i?Martin (2009), we estimate . . . . Continue Reading »

The Most Broken Vow Of All

The most oft broken vow by Christians, says theologian Carl Trueman , isn’t marital vows to remain faithful, ministerial vows to preach the gospel, or baptismal vows to raise children in the fear and nurture of the Lord: No.  The most broken vow is almost certainly that by which church . . . . Continue Reading »



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