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It’s All About Choice

The Daily News reports this morning : “A Queens man—enraged because his wife refused to have an abortion—slashed her throat and then stabbed her sister in the stomach Monday night in front of a room full of children.” Ain’t you glad that legalized abortion set women free . . . . Continue Reading »

Heaven Help Us

Undoubtedly you have read something about the FBI raids in Michigan, Ohio and Indiana.From that linked story, there’s this self-description of these people the FBI is taking into custody:Jesus wanted us to be ready to defend ourselves using the sword and stay alive using equipment. The only . . . . Continue Reading »

Let the Sun Shine In

My review of Ian McEwan’s latest novel , Solar , is available online at the Wall Street Journal , for those who’ve followed the interesting British writer’s career: You ever see those old film clips of the early days of airplane flight? Wild contraptions of mismatched parts, . . . . Continue Reading »

John Calvin: A Pilgrim’s Life

Following up Frank’s post I was reminded of the best book I read in 2009. Last year seemed to be the year for important birthdays as both Abraham Lincoln and Charles Darwin turned 200. Not to be forgotten is arguably the most influential Reformer within Christian history, John Calvin who . . . . Continue Reading »

Settled Science Based on Unsettled Data

Science requires the collection and interpretation of data. Consensus, therefore, requires that there be no significant dispute on either the data (e.g., its relevance) or it interpretation. The debate over whether there is a “consensus” about anthropogenic climate change has tended to . . . . Continue Reading »

Once More, With Feeling

So Philip Pullman, he of The Golden Compass , is preparing to disgorge The Good Man Jesus and the Scoundrel Christ into an Amazon shopping cart near you. It seems that Pullman’s contribution to something called the “Myth Series” is the earth-rending idea that there was a historical . . . . Continue Reading »



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