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Modern Man [2.5]

This is just sort of an excursis, given the progress of my discussion with Dr. John Mark Reynolds. As I was reading today here at Evangel about this and that, the point about abortion seemed to be very well made by Dr. Beckwith in the comments — and good on him for getting it essentially . . . . Continue Reading »

The Sense of the Census

We just got our Census form in the mail. Well, it’s not the census form, it’s the warm-up census form, telling us that we’re going to get the census form shortly and to look forward to it. We have a week to get all excited before the main event (guess this is what the Department of . . . . Continue Reading »

On the Square Today

Archbishop Charles J. Chaput discusses Catholics, health care, and the ” Senate’s bad bill ”: Groups, trade associations, and publications describing themselves as “Catholic” or “prolife” that endorse the Senate version—whatever their intentions—are . . . . Continue Reading »

Abortion and health care

One more contribution to the health care debate in the United States introduces a surprising possibility: Universal health care tends to cut the abortion rate. How so? Britain’s former Catholic archbishop, Basil Cardinal Hume explains:“If that frightened, unemployed 19-year-old knows . . . . Continue Reading »

Novels Against Marriage

In light of Rhett Smith’s interesting (and true!) thoughts on what novels do for us, I was intrigued to read Francis Watson’s rather critical comments of their form in western literature: The assumption that ‘love’ (or ‘romantic love’) is the primary basis for . . . . Continue Reading »



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