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On Too Many Adjectives

I have quite a few bad habits, but here is one that can be told on this blog and not just in the confessional: I sometimes use too many adjectives.This week I was reminded of this problem when I became irritated with a description on this blog of a political commentator as a Mormon. “What in . . . . Continue Reading »

Major Superiors Set the Record Straight

As the battle over the health-care reform bill intensified this week, the Leadership Conference of Women Religious sent a letter yesterday to every member of congress assuring them that “the Senate bill will not provide taxpayer funding for elective abortions” and that they, the LCWR, . . . . Continue Reading »

Allah Is a Zionist

At Tablet , Sheikh Abdul Hadi Palazzi, secretary general of the Italian Muslim Assembly, makes the Quranic argument for Jewish sovereignty in the land of Israel : Over the past 15 years, the political conflict between Israeli Jews and Palestinian Arabs has been reframed as a religious war in which . . . . Continue Reading »

Law and Marriage

Marriage, in what is evidently its most popular version, is now on the one hand an intimate ‘relationship’ involving (ideally) two successful careerists in the same bed, and on the other hand a sort of private political system in which rights and interests must be constantly asserted and . . . . Continue Reading »

On Creation and Post-Modernism

Some critics of Intelligent Design conflate the movement with creationism. Of course forms of Intelligent Design can be creationist, but arguably others (like that of Aristotle on some readings of the philosopher) are not. I am both a creationist and one who believes there exists evidence for . . . . Continue Reading »

Eating Animals, Because They’re Animals

Having attended last Friday a forum on the ethics of food animal product hosted by the National Catholic Bioethics Center , I was particularly interested in the Times Literary Supplement ‘s review of Jonathan Safran Foer’s Eating Animals . It is an uncritical and even fawning review and . . . . Continue Reading »



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