Last night 219 members of in the House of Representatives proved what many of us have suspected for decades: Roe v. Wade and Doe v. Bolton are the twin pillars of the Democratic Party. The refusal to prohibit federal funding of abortions in the health care bill shows that the Democratic leadership . . . . Continue Reading »
Meghan McArdle claims that with the passage of Obamacare we are in a different political world : One cannot help but admire Nancy Pelosi’s skill as a legislator. But it’s also pretty worrying. Are we now in a world where there is absolutely no recourse to the tyranny of the majority? . . . . Continue Reading »
I am not in the least surprised that Rep. Bart Stupak voted for Obamacare—and then fought against a move by Republicans to put his own original language back in the bill. This is “the show,” politics at its hardest, and Stupak is a Democrat first, last, and always. He . . . . Continue Reading »
On March 15th, Catholic Archbishop Charles J. Chaput wrote an article for “On the Square.” He said the Senate health care reform bill is “gravely flawed. It does not meet minimum moral standards in at least three important areas: the exclusion of abortion funding and services; . . . . Continue Reading »
There are so many books that have influenced my life that I’m not sure I can reduce the list to just 10 titles. So I offer a list of thinkers who have had the most impact on my development as a Christian thinker (in no particular order).Greg Bahnsen, Cornelius Van Til, Carl F. H. Henry, Nancy . . . . Continue Reading »
[caption id=”attachment_5721” align=”aligncenter” width=”480” caption=”Happy 325th Birthday Kantor Bach!”][/caption]Our beloved fifth evangelist was born on this day in 1685. Since many male relatives in Bach time shared a common first name: fathers, . . . . Continue Reading »
In an article in the The Weekly Standard , Joseph Bottum refutes the argument that the slaughter of Christians in Nigeria is not about religion : Much of this is the incompetence, corruption, and fear of encountering well-armed rebels typical of too many third-world militaries. But another factor . . . . Continue Reading »
I am traveling all day, but I wanted to weigh in a bit about today’s vote on Obamacare. I suspect it will pass. Otherwise, Speaker Pelosi wouldn’t hold the vote. If it does, it will demonstrate several things:1. The Democratic Party could care less about the will of the . . . . Continue Reading »
In an op-ed for the Washington Post , R.R. Reno and Marc Geffroy propose a creative way to reform campaign finance anonymity : Our system of campaign finance is corrupt. Money floods into campaign coffers, but rarely because of a heartfelt desire to advance a political cause. The three most . . . . Continue Reading »