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A Different Political World

Meghan McArdle claims that with the passage of Obamacare we are in a different political world : One cannot help but admire Nancy Pelosi’s skill as a legislator. But it’s also pretty worrying. Are we now in a world where there is absolutely no recourse to the tyranny of the majority? . . . . Continue Reading »

Thinkers Who have Influenced Me

There are so many books that have influenced my life that I’m not sure I can reduce the list to just 10 titles. So I offer a list of thinkers who have had the most impact on my development as a Christian thinker (in no particular order).Greg Bahnsen, Cornelius Van Til, Carl F. H. Henry, Nancy . . . . Continue Reading »

Happy Birthday Dear Sebastian!

[caption id=”attachment_5721” align=”aligncenter” width=”480” caption=”Happy 325th Birthday Kantor Bach!”][/caption]Our beloved fifth evangelist was born on this day in 1685. Since many male relatives in Bach time shared a common first name: fathers, . . . . Continue Reading »

Yes, It Is Sectarian Violence in Nigeria

In an article in the The Weekly Standard , Joseph Bottum refutes the argument that the slaughter of Christians in Nigeria is not about religion : Much of this is the incompetence, corruption, and fear of encountering well-armed rebels typical of too many third-world militaries. But another factor . . . . Continue Reading »

The Secret to Fixing Campaign Finance is Secrecy

In an op-ed for the Washington Post , R.R. Reno and Marc Geffroy propose a creative way to reform campaign finance— anonymity : Our system of campaign finance is corrupt. Money floods into campaign coffers, but rarely because of a heartfelt desire to advance a political cause. The three most . . . . Continue Reading »



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