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Books that Changed My Life

I have decided to list the books that changed my life . . . not the best books I have read. How to get on the list? First, I have read it more than ten times. Second, I can see the cover of my first copy in my mind’s eye. Third, it is a book I have carried to an event that had nothing to do . . . . Continue Reading »

Real Men Prove Darwin Wrong (Again)

That was a dumb title of an article I wrote several years ago talking up the manly authors Mansfield and Tom Wolfe. My BUILDING BETTER THAN THEY KNEW TOUR continues next Thursday at the Rochester Institute of Technology . There Darwinian Larry Arnhart and I will speak on Darwin and the . . . . Continue Reading »

Reforming the liturgy: ordinary of the mass

In the western church for well over a millennium, the historic shape of the liturgy has encompassed a number of elements deemed essential to its proper celebration. Together these have formed the ordinary of the mass, including in outline form: The Confiteor The Kyrie The Gloria in Excelsis The . . . . Continue Reading »

Do Tummy Aches Disprove God?

Are you sick of arguing/talking/thinking about health care legislation? Me too. We need a distraction, something to take our minds off the nauseating subject. So let me propose a curious argument for your consideration: My tummy hurts. Ergo, there is no god. This argument may be absurd but it’s . . . . Continue Reading »

Getting Me Wrong

Russell Arben Fox is unhappy : Poulos’s ridiculous, Tea-Partier rhetoric about a bill that has been sent back and forth through the legislative wringer more times over the past year that the great majority of bills ever experience (how does ten months of constant debate and scrutiny add up to . . . . Continue Reading »



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