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The Church of the Holy Sepulchre Online

From the National Catholic Register (not to be confused with the National Catholic Reporter , which is not nearly so fond of the pope and the Catechism as the Register ) comes the link to a series of panoramic views of the Church of the Holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem. It was produced by a Turkish . . . . Continue Reading »

Truth Matters over Emotion

I heard this song recently:  “Why” by Nichole Nordeman.  I love much of Nordeman’s music (the tone of her voice is just so fragile and honest) and the song certainly is moving.  As I once heard songwriter Babyface Edmonds term it, it’s . . . . Continue Reading »

A metrical mass

If Luther retained the ordinary of the mass, in 1526 he nevertheless created a metrical version, the Deutsche Messe, which could be easily sung by ordinary congregations. This is similar to what motivated the non-Lutheran reformers to versify the Psalms. Here is the metrical credo, We All Believe in . . . . Continue Reading »

Other Darwin Thoughts

1. The thought Locke=Nature and Darwin=History described above is almost completely backwards. Locke=Freedom From Nature (and implicitly history) and Darwin=Nature is much closer to the truth. That’s why Darwinian Larry can use Darwin, with some initial plausibility, to oppose History (by . . . . Continue Reading »

There May Be a Reason for Atheist Pastors

Preachers Who Are Not Believers , the new study by the “new atheist” Daniel Dennett and a colleague, has inevitably gotten a lot of attention—and I think rightly, because the problem it exposes is a real one, whether or not the problem of disbelieving pastors is widespread. From my . . . . Continue Reading »

the best opportunity

They’re reporting at that since the Health Care reform initiative was such a grand-slam, they have to now move on to Global warming.“Climate legislation is the single best opportunity we have to create jobs, reduce pollution and stop sending billions overseas for foreign . . . . Continue Reading »

Dante Meets Vatican II in Sci-Fi Hell

In today’s On the Square feature, Robert R. Chase reviews a pair of science fiction novels inspired by Dante’s Inferno : Larry Niven conceived the idea to write a sequel to Dante’s Inferno but worried about its theological underpinnings. He felt that the “naïve Roman . . . . Continue Reading »



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