From the National Catholic Register (not to be confused with the National Catholic Reporter , which is not nearly so fond of the pope and the Catechism as the Register ) comes the link to a series of panoramic views of the Church of the Holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem. It was produced by a Turkish . . . . Continue Reading »
I heard this song recently: “Why” by Nichole Nordeman. I love much of Nordeman’s music (the tone of her voice is just so fragile and honest) and the song certainly is moving. As I once heard songwriter Babyface Edmonds term it, it’s . . . . Continue Reading »
If Luther retained the ordinary of the mass, in 1526 he nevertheless created a metrical version, the Deutsche Messe, which could be easily sung by ordinary congregations. This is similar to what motivated the non-Lutheran reformers to versify the Psalms. Here is the metrical credo, We All Believe in . . . . Continue Reading »
Leon Kass is one of the great thinkers in bioethics (and a friend), a man of great eloquence whose rare depth of thought and knowledge sometimes makes my jaw drop.In honor of his many years of contribution to bioethical discourse and his many services to society, the Center for Bioethics and Culture . . . . Continue Reading »
The distinctive look of an Early American church is unmistakable. It might be Bostons Old North Church or Kings Chapel or, as visitors to Manhattans Financial District may find, New Yorks John Street Church. John Streets congregation, the oldest Methodist congregation . . . . Continue Reading »
1. The thought Locke=Nature and Darwin=History described above is almost completely backwards. Locke=Freedom From Nature (and implicitly history) and Darwin=Nature is much closer to the truth. That’s why Darwinian Larry can use Darwin, with some initial plausibility, to oppose History (by . . . . Continue Reading »
Preachers Who Are Not Believers , the new study by the new atheist Daniel Dennett and a colleague, has inevitably gotten a lot of attentionand I think rightly, because the problem it exposes is a real one, whether or not the problem of disbelieving pastors is widespread. From my . . . . Continue Reading »
They’re reporting at that since the Health Care reform initiative was such a grand-slam, they have to now move on to Global warming.“Climate legislation is the single best opportunity we have to create jobs, reduce pollution and stop sending billions overseas for foreign . . . . Continue Reading »
In today’s On the Square feature, Robert R. Chase reviews a pair of science fiction novels inspired by Dante’s Inferno : Larry Niven conceived the idea to write a sequel to Dantes Inferno but worried about its theological underpinnings. He felt that the naïve Roman . . . . Continue Reading »