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The Solitude of Friendship

There are so many gems of wisdom in William Deresiewicz’s lecture on ” Solitude and Leadership “—delivered to a plebe class at West Point—that it’s difficult to find a single point to excerpt. But his section on introspection and solitude is especially insightful and . . . . Continue Reading »

Muslim Women Refuse Body Scan at Airport

Two Muslim women defy the (appropriately named) Rapiscan . . . while the other cowards in the British police state continue their cowardly ways: The two women are thought to be the first passengers to refuse to submit to scanning by the machines, which have provoked controversy among human rights . . . . Continue Reading »

Oscar Buzz

I meet people occasionally who think motion pictures, the product Hollywood makes, is merely entertainment, has nothing to do with education. That’s one of the darndest fool fantasies that is current . . . . Anything that brings you to tears by way of drama does something to the deepest roots . . . . Continue Reading »

On the Square Today

First Things junior fellow Kevin Staley-Joyce examines how JFK secularized the Catholic conscience : Perhaps the most cognitively dissonant trend that Kennedy set in motion was his self-styled dualism, a vice of mind now ubiquitous among Catholic politicians. The personal–private gap can . . . . Continue Reading »

Fat Rats Skew Research

A new study finds that sedentary, obese rats and mice used in biomedical research are skewing human studies : Failure to recognize that many laboratory animals live unhealthy lives may be leading researchers to misinterpret their findings, potentially misdirecting efforts to develop therapeutic . . . . Continue Reading »



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