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On the Bible and Civil Government

The Bible is a most valuable book . . . being without error and all.It is not, however, an exhaustive text on every single thing a human must know or even should know. It does contain all you need to know for salvation, but will, perhaps, let you down if you attempt to use it to answer the question: . . . . Continue Reading »

Liberty and Happiness: Brother Locke

Let me commend to our readers the work of noted Christian apologist John Locke on the topic of liberty and happiness. His recent work on human understanding is, perhaps, wrong on innate ideas, but attempts a consistent description of human capacity in a Biblical framework.Who knows if his comments . . . . Continue Reading »

The Law of the Hothouse Orchid Reigns

Victor Davis Hanson on the American desire to have it both ways : Among elites there is almost a “Don’t touch or disturb that!” mantra. The law of the hothouse orchid reigns. Once our grubby ancestors created our infrastructure, we wish sometimes to ridicule and — use — it, . . . . Continue Reading »

The Moral Imperative of Investment Banking

Since the financial crisis began in the fall of 2008, bankers have become our new favorite villains. But John Terrill, director for the Center for Integrity in Business at Seattle Pacific University, makes the case that investment bankers can be doing the Lord’s work : Outrage at . . . . Continue Reading »

The Most Beautiful Phrase in English?

Is the most beautiful phrase in English . . . cellar door ? The claim that cellar door is beautiful to the ear — in opposition to its prosaic meaning — has been made by and attributed to a wide variety of writers over the years . . . . The fantasy writer J. R. R. Tolkien, . . . . Continue Reading »

The Loser Letters

First Things contributing writer Mary Eberstadt has released a new book : A wickedly witty satire, The Loser Letter s chronicles the conversion of a young adult Christian to atheism. With modern humor rivaling that of the media lampooning Onion, found on college campuses all over America, A. F. . . . . Continue Reading »

A Simple Error

If you oppose a government program, someone will suggest that you “hate” the people on the receiving end of the government largesse.Surely, however, it is a simple minded error to assume that if the government does not help someone then nobody will do so? Isn’t it more dubious to . . . . Continue Reading »



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