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No Justice for Protestants?

The Washington Post asks , “Does President Obama’s next Supreme Court nominee need to be a Protestant?” If Justice John Paul Stevens decides to call it a career after he turns 90 next month, the Supreme Court would for the first time in its history be without a justice . . . . Continue Reading »

Preferential Option for the Unequal

There is a demographic of Americans that is of particular concern to the federal government. Forty-three percent of them not only own their own homes but also have more living space than the average individual living in Paris, London, Vienna, Athens, and other cities throughout Europe. Nearly . . . . Continue Reading »

Thank God for Government

I recently read that government is cracking down on finch fighting.It is good to see that our government is ending this plague.The office was originally delegated to stop French fighting, but had no work since Joan of Arc was burned.John . . . . Continue Reading »


Inventing news where there is none is not a new pastime for the press, but the intense interest that the European media has shown in the Rev. Georg Ratzinger, the elder brother of Pope Benedict XVI, goes beyond the usual range of invidious gossip. The 86-year-old Monsignor Ratzinger, the retired . . . . Continue Reading »

Scientism Isn’t Science

There has been an attempt ongoing for some time to harness the respectability of science and conflate it with an increasingly popular philosophy known as scientism. But scientism and science are different things. The latter is a powerful method of obtaining and applying material facts and . . . . Continue Reading »

On Liberty

Let us assume that liberty is: “every man doing what is right in his own eyes.”If that is liberty, then liberty is not an absolute good for a Biblical Christian.Let us try a more careful notion of liberty instead: “the power in any agent to do or forbear any particular action, . . . . Continue Reading »

American Exceptionalism Revisited

Ponnuru and Lowry respond to their critics . I’m the sure the sphere will be all over this within hours.  But a few particularly egregious points are worth noting. 1) Ponnuru and Lowry claim that Obama rejects American exceptionalism in favor of the “Wilsonian project of relocating . . . . Continue Reading »

Painful News from the Internet Monk

There’s not much to say, other than “Lord, have mercy.”The latest update from his wife:It is with a heavy heart that I bring my latest update on Michael. We have learned that his cancer is too advanced and too aggressive to expect any sort of remission. Our oncologist estimates . . . . Continue Reading »

Novel Ideas

Novelist and philosopher Rebecca Goldstein offers her list of five best novels of ideas —Saul Bellow’s Herzog , Thomas Mann’s The Holy Sinner , Iris Murdoch’s The Black Prince , Alan Lightman’s Einstein’s Dreams , and George Eliot’s Middlemarch : George . . . . Continue Reading »



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