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The Modern University and Technology

Since I work at a technical institute I will tread carefully in my criticisms of the problem an obsession with technology poses to the university . James has already announced this excellent symposium in The New Atlantis but it’s now available in its entirety online. Our own Peter Lawler . . . . Continue Reading »

Obligatory Corey Haim Post

So I was driving in to work today, and the news/traffic/weather station I listen to on the commute every day comes up with this story about the 9-1-1 call Corey Haim’s mom made to the police when she found her son unconscious and not breathing. They actually played the tape the police . . . . Continue Reading »

Journalists’ Voodoo Taboo

In a USA Today column, Rod Dreher makes the case that voodoo—and other minority religions—shouldn’t be off-limits from journalistic examination: In a recent New York Times column, religion reporter Samuel G. Freedman rightly lamented the way the American news media have largely . . . . Continue Reading »

The Indiana Jones of Saints

He was an aristocratic Brit, kidnapped by pirates at the age of sixteen and sent to Ireland where he was sold into slavery. Six years later he escapes, becomes a priest, returns to Ireland, and faces off against hordes of Druids. Because of his work, thousands of Irish pagans came to know Christ . . . . Continue Reading »

Building Better Than They Knew Tour

I will be tomorrow (Thursday) at Notre Dame. The time is 7:30 p.m. and the place is Debartolo 129. And I’ll be speaking in Dallas at the Adolphus Hotel on Saturday afternoon. (For more details, go to the ISI website). YOU are invited to both events free of charge. The topic in both cases will . . . . Continue Reading »

Constraints and Awareness

In many cultures in the Middle East and elsewhere in the world there is a strikingly different approach to sexuality and the interactions between men and women. These cultures feature an emphasis on honor and shame as well as well as being on the other side of the individual/collective axis from . . . . Continue Reading »

Neocalvinism and Social Justice

Several years ago I wrote a short piece on this topic which appeared in Comment, the publication of the Canadian think tank Cardus. Here is an excerpt:Must the pursuit of social justice be tethered to statist solutions? Not necessarily. This is where I believe neocalvinism has much to offer as an . . . . Continue Reading »



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