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Form and Substance

“Incline thy ear to me; answer me speedily in the day when I call!” Psalm 102 Forms—let’s call them for the moment manners, little rules of protocol, the observance of ceremonies—are the heart and soul of civilized life. And that is why the conservative, pre- or . . . . Continue Reading »

Was Descartes Poisoned by a Catholic Priest?

For centuries it was believed that the father of modern philosophy died of pneumonia. But a new book claims that Rene Descartes was murdered for having views similar to a Calvinist: According to Theodor Ebert, an academic at the University of Erlangen, Descartes died not through natural causes but . . . . Continue Reading »

Do We Take Art Too Seriously?

Hushed tones may befit the library, but as Marcus Westbury argues , quiet isn’t alway necessary to enjoy the visual or performing arts: Art is often discussed in reverent tones , we invest in it, create daunting palaces for it. In the scale of reverence, it sits ever so slightly below death . . . . Continue Reading »

You Really Can Die of a Broken Heart

New studies reveal that heartbreak isn’t just a metaphor; although rare, people really can suffer (and die) from broken-heart syndrome : The mysterious malady mimics heart attacks, but appears to have little connection with coronary artery disease. Instead, it is typically triggered by acute . . . . Continue Reading »



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