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50 Memorable (But Obscure) Movie Quotes

Great movie quotes become part of our cultural vocabulary,” said American Film Institute director Jean Picker Firstenberg as he unveiled AFI’S 100 Years . . . 100 Movie Quotes: America’s Greatest Quips, Comebacks and Catchphrases. The AFI list is as comprehensive as it is dull; a mix of the . . . . Continue Reading »

Bailing out the Problem of Evil [1]

The problem is what to do about pain. See: the common argument here — which Loftus plainly uses to dismiss God — is that all pain ought to be stopped whenever possible. A universe with suffering in it precludes the Christian God (he says), so the onus is now on John or anyone else who sees pain to stop pain.
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Majority Oppose Euthanasia in USA

Honestly calling euthanasia, “euthanasia,” reveals that most Americans oppose legalization.  From the story:A new Angus Reid poll find that 42 percent of American adults are in favor of making euthanasia legal in the United States, although 52 percent feel legalizing induced death . . . . Continue Reading »

You Kant Believe Everything You Hear

Note to pompous, Kant-bashing public intellectuals : Before quoting from a book you haven’t read, you might want to check Wikipedia to make sure the tome even exists. Bernard-Henri Levy, France’s loudest voice of the 1970s school of nouveaux philosophes , who rarely appears on TV with . . . . Continue Reading »



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