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Can We Still Hear the Music?

Pseudonymous history professor Rufus F. remarks on the difficulty we have hearing—really hearing—music that is mediated by digital technology : I’m always amazed to read essays on classical music from the 18th and 19th centuries. The writers, often with no more musical training than . . . . Continue Reading »

Did the Painter of Light Go to Hogwarts?

Doesn’t this conceptual rendering of the new Harry Potter Theme Park look like it was painted by Thomas Kinkade?At first I thought it must be a strange coincidence and that it couldn’t be by the Painter of Light™  since it depicts people in the picture. But then I was looking . . . . Continue Reading »

Why I’m Not a Creationist (Anymore)

I became a young-earth creationist in my sophomore year of high school. It was not a scientific decision. I had just become a Christian, and it was clearly taught on the first page of the Bible. I was young and impressionable. I took up the cause with zeal.A teenager who thinks they have the . . . . Continue Reading »

Emerging from Emergent Church Evangelicalism

I came across a very perceptive and fascinating comment from a young man who has come out of the house church/Emergent church movement into Lutheranism. No, this is not a shamless plug for Lutheranism, but rather, for the purpose of this blog site, it is a fascinating look into what a growing number . . . . Continue Reading »

My Hero, Kevin DeYoung

I hate to admit it, but God built me up to be a blogger. I’m really at my best when I am at 3 pages or less in final content (about 1500 words) and I try to stick to one subject — even by analogy.Kevin DeYoung may be my fellow blogger here at Evangel, but he’s not really a blogger. . . . . Continue Reading »

Will on Palin

George Will has an interesting column today on Sarah Palin and “America’s durable but shallow reservoir of populism”: The Republican presidential nominee, an Arizona senator, was a maverick, which was part of his charm. He spoke and acted impulsively, which was part of his . . . . Continue Reading »

Reno on Theology and Apologetics

If you’ve ever wanted to listen in to lectures on theology and apologetics by R. R. Reno, then you should check out the website for KVSS, a Catholic radio station in Omaha. They have some nicely done and substantive interviews with Reno discussing faith and reason in St. Thomas, John Henry . . . . Continue Reading »



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