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The (Partly) Lovable City of Man

“The New Testament does not seem to encourage patriotism,” and neither did St. Augustine, argues R. R. Reno in today’s first “On the Square” article, Patriots in Babylon . “It is easy, therefore, for a Christian to take an entirely critical stance toward . . . . Continue Reading »

More on Wolf and Pius XII

William Doino, one of the authors of Pius XII and the Distorting Ellipsis published in “On the Square” last Thursday, has written  a review of Hubert Wolf’s Pope and Devil for  America . He shows in some detail how the book disproves the charges against the then Msgr. . . . . Continue Reading »

Islamic Leaders in America

A helpful discussion on the role of Islam in America by Thomas F. Farr—posted on The Public Discourse —points out the ways in which the recent controversy about an Islamic Center near Ground Zero threatens to side-track the positive contributions that Muslims can make in America. At the . . . . Continue Reading »

The One-Legged Conservative Coalition

They still don’t get it. Today House Republicans are releasing “ Pledge to America ,” a 21 page, 8,000 word document outlining their new governing agenda, a copy of which is now making the rounds. The editors of National Review issued a fawning, effusive editorial , claiming it is . . . . Continue Reading »

Know Your Evangelicals: John Piper

Name: John PiperWhy you’ve heard of him: Dr. Piper is one of the most influential and popular preacher/authors in American evangelicalism.Position: Senior Pastor of Bethlehem Baptist Church in Minneapolis, MN; Host of the daily radio program Desiring God; Founder of Desiring God . . . . Continue Reading »

Know Your Evangelicals

Several years ago I started an blog series that provided brief profiles of influential evangelicals. The purpose was to help those who may see a name mentioned by the media—Albert Mohler, Richard Land, Jim Wallis—but not know  about them or why they are significant.At the instigation . . . . Continue Reading »

The Authors’ Radical Departure

Today’s cheering news: The country’s Catholic bishops have just issued a statement that in their book The Sexual Person (which gives the game away right there) two Creighton University theologians “base their arguments on a methodology that marks a radical departure from the . . . . Continue Reading »

Literary Interviews from The Paris Review

The Paris Review , the literary journal co-founded by George Plimpton, has posted online its extensive archive of interviews with famous literary figures. The site includes interviews with TS Eliot , William Faulkner , Ralph Ellison , Ernest Hemingway , Simone de Beauvoir ,  Saul Bellow , . . . . Continue Reading »



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