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On Friday, Joe Carter mentioned a survey of the 50 Most Extraordinary Churches of the World . It’s an interesting walk through some great and some curious architecture. Note, however, this quoted description of Number 48, the Third Church of Christ, Scientist , in Washington, D.C.: This . . . . Continue Reading »

In Colorado, November 1 to 3

So, I’ll be making a swing through Colorado, lecturing and reading, from November 1 to 3. More information as things finalize, but, for now, save these dates: 1) Lecture, “Hope and Apocalypse: Where We Are Today,” at 7:00 p.m., at Bonfils Hall at the John Paul II Center, 1300 South . . . . Continue Reading »

The Grand Design (Book Review)

Book ReviewSome of the thinkers most opposed to theories of design are also the most preoccupied with it. Richard Dawkins wrote The Blind Watchmaker: Why the Evidence for Evolution Reveals a Universe Without Design. Stephen Hawking’s recent book was titled simply The Grand Design. The two . . . . Continue Reading »

Benedict’s Vigil

Pope Benedict XVI will celebrate a Vigil for All Nascent Human Life on Saturday, November 27th (the beginning of the first Sunday of Advent), and invites all Catholic diocesan bishops to do so as well. The vigil will be offered to “thank the Lord for his total self-giving to the . . . . Continue Reading »

A Different Victory in Iraq

Writing in The New York Review of Books , the former cardinal archbishop of Washington reports on the refugees the Iraq war has created , including the Christian refugees, who face constant threats of Islamist violence (the archbishop uses the word “sectarian”) as well as homelesssness. . . . . Continue Reading »

Hawking Put in His Place

Anyone interested in the latest pronouncements of Stephen Hawking on God should heed the observations of Martin Rees (now Lord Rees), one of the world’s leading astrophysicists, the Astronomer Royal, and the outgoing head of the Royal Society (one of the world’s oldest scientific . . . . Continue Reading »

Good Habits

A little late, but for those of you who don’t naturally check out the home page every morning: In today’s “On the Square” article, Elizabeth Scalia writes against Cheating on the Habit of Being . Writing of a nun who justified dropping the habit in favor of street clothes, . . . . Continue Reading »

Obama and Aristotle

Cross-posted from First ThoughtsMy students and I have been discussing Aristotle’s political thought recently. Yesterday, our discussion centered around Aristotle’s insistence that the political association must be about more than the protection of rights (in essence a mutual defense . . . . Continue Reading »



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