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Winning Cheap?

It’s mathematically possible to win the presidency of the entire country handily in the electoral college with around 11 percent of the popular vote. Can that be correct? I took the state results from the 2008 presidential election and calculated the cheapest electoral votes (the least number, . . . . Continue Reading »

Hamburgers are Just Like Heroin

When it comes to using illicit drugs, my policy has always been “Just say no.” When it comes to hamburgers, though, my mantra has always been, “Supersize that for me.” While Nancy Reagan’s advice was keeping me off horse, that square-patty pusherman Dave Thomas was . . . . Continue Reading »

The 10 Best Parts of Being Glenn Beck

Whether you love him, hate him, or just wish he’d go away (my position), it’s hard to deny that Glenn Beck is one of the most intriguing figures in American public life. Yesterday, the New York Times Magazine ran a long (8,077 words!) and interesting profile of the media . . . . Continue Reading »

Oh Hum, Another Adult Stem Cell Success

These adult stem cell successes are getting pretty oh, hum—unless you are the lucky patients benefiting from breakthroughs.  In our most recent episode, a woman’s leg was saved using her bone marrow stem cells. From the story:During her operation, at the private Spire Alexandra . . . . Continue Reading »

Taking Darwinism a Bridge Way Too Far

I am not engaged in the Darwin wars, but sometimes advocating for human exceptionalism rubs hulls against some theorists who take Darwinism out of biology, and into subjective realms of human culture and behavior—as if we are slaves to implacable natural forces.  Here’s an . . . . Continue Reading »

Parting the Red Sea

Those of us who grew up with the biblical account of the Israelites crossing the Red Sea never thought it the least fantastic or implausible. Now someone has come up with a fascinating model of what may have happened: Parting the waters: Computer modeling applies physics to Red Sea escape . . . . Continue Reading »

How to Name an Evangelical Church

So, you’ve started a church plant. You’ve gathered together a few faithful families and individuals from within a community, and you’re likely now meeting in homes, rented office space, or more likely—a public school building. Hopefully, you’ve decided (and founded your church) upon . . . . Continue Reading »

Not So Golden a Standard

Some of our readers probably like gold—with an ounce of gold above $1,300 what’s not to like—and talk of reviving the gold standard is going around. The U.S. has been off the gold standard since 1933. David C. Harper, editor of Numismatic News , reports sobering figures for people . . . . Continue Reading »



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