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Fine-Tuning an Argument and a Universe

Note: This weekend a friend asked me to recommend some resources on the fine-tuning of the universe. Since I had those handy, I thought it might be useful to turn it into a post.] The heavens tell of the glory of God,” claimed the Psalmist, “The skies display his marvelous . . . . Continue Reading »

Afternoon Links — 10.4.10

The pope denounces the “evil” of the Sicilian mafia . Benedict urged Sicilians to be “ashamed of evil, which offends God and man” and called them to bring organised crime. which “injures the civil and religious community,” into the open, reports  The Daily . . . . Continue Reading »

On Hell or: is Plato There?

Americans are much less sure of the existence of Hell than of Heaven. Hopefully this is because they have had such glimpses of the Divine that Hell seem fuzzy to them. There seems, however, some chance that it is because they have become too nice to believe anyone is in Hell.In chatting with regular . . . . Continue Reading »

Students Writing Freely

A new and cheering venture: the Student Free Press Association . “Run by veteran journalists for the benefit of beginning journalists,” according to its website, the SFPA is “is an individual membership organization of college-aged writers, bloggers, tweeters, podcasters, and . . . . Continue Reading »

The Sanctimonious Pander

Joe’s ridiculous dissing of Rocky and  Bullwinkle last week reminded me of one of those startling experiences of moral disjunction one has from time to time. Ten or so years ago,  I was squatting down in a local video store looking on a low shelf for Rocky and Bullwinkle videos . . . . Continue Reading »

The City, Fall 2010

A few weeks ago, David Mills mentioned The City . The fall issue is now out. To whet your appetite: Matt Milliner discusses the two art worlds, Jay Richards writes on Christianity and socialism, and Albert Mohler reviews Christian Smith. Read it here . . . . . Continue Reading »

It’s an Embryo!

I was reading a story this morning, and I couldn’t believe my eyes.  The term embryo is used in a scientifically accurate way!  And it struck me, yet again, how the term embryo is used or not used depending on whether we are being spun to justify destroying or using nascent human . . . . Continue Reading »

Should Intelligent Design Be Taught as Science?

Should Intelligent Design be taught as science? Stephen Barr, professor of physics at the University of Delaware (and First Things contributor), debates that question with Michael Behe, a professor of biochemistry at Lehigh University and senior fellow at the Discovery Institute. You can listen to . . . . Continue Reading »



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