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What Baked Evil Looks Like

I’ve been made aware of so much perversion in our fallen world, so much that is sick and twisted, that I thought nothing else could shock me. Then someone goes and puts broccoli in a cupcake . I don’t think I know any culinary sociopaths, but just in case I’ll say this: If you . . . . Continue Reading »

Afternoon Links — 10.6.10

Michael Liccione explains the Gnostic Impulse . It is, he writes, “cosmic cynicism . . . the attitude which naturally springs up when we disbelieve that the ‘cosmos,’ that vast, more-or-less ordered whole we experience, is the product of a Love and a Reason that are one.” . . . . Continue Reading »

Israeli Rabbi Says Sexpionage is Kosher

Rabbi Ari Shvat’s ruling—which appeared in the marvelously-titled study, “Illicit sex for the sake of national security”—says that its okay for female agents of Israel’s foreign secret service, Mossad, to have sex with the enemy in so-called “honey-pot” . . . . Continue Reading »

Essential Theological Books

The Christian Century asked eight theologians to name the five Essential theology books of the past 25 years . Stanley Hauerwas will be the theologian most familiar to First Things readers, and he chose: George A. Lindbeck,  The Nature of Doctrine: Religion and Theology in a Postliberal Age . . . . Continue Reading »

The Audacious Michael Novak

Now up on “On the Square”: A tribute to Michael Novak , who is among many other things our long-time board member and writer. Writing on what he calls “the total Novak phenomenon,” Christopher DeMuth praises Novak’s industrious, audacity, courage, and . . . . Continue Reading »

Rise of the Neo-Anabaptists

Jordan Ballor points out a trend that I too have noticed over the past few years: Some years ago Robert Benne wrote an essay in First Things called “The Neo-Augustinian Temptation,” which he describes as a movement “committed to the construction of an independent and distinct . . . . Continue Reading »



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