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Sexual Orientation, College-Style

No doubt college students have sex, though probably never as much as they would prefer, but this will likely get some parents—especially parents of students at Gustavus Adolphus College in St. Peter, Minnesota—to think seriously about the “home colleging” option for their kids. . . . . Continue Reading »

Elites and Judicial Supremacy

Over at Public Discourse, Robert Lowry Clinton weighs in on the ascendancy of the Supreme Court as the Supreme Legislature that dictates national affairs. Clinton argues that the emergence of an activist judiciary stems from an elite attempt to retain power over and against a democratic majority. . . . . Continue Reading »

The Decline of Junior High Humor

After stumbling upon a roast of David Hasselhoff on VH1, David Mills laments the decline of playground-level humor : And as I watched, with lurid fascination, I realized that the monologue reminded me of junior high, with one difference: in junior high, people were expected to be funny when they . . . . Continue Reading »

Thirty Three Things (Christian Edition )

[Note: In lieu of this week’s pop culture list, I’ve decided to run a special edition of Thirty Three Things that includes all Christian items. The regular 33T feature will still be posted this afternoon.] 1. You were loved into existence. °°°°°° 2. From 613 to 1 . . . . Continue Reading »

Is That a Tithe-Deductible Expense?

The fall months are when most churches are putting their budgets together for presentation to their congregants. I had a really amazing conversation with a pastor recently about how many people now not only don’t know the definition of tithing but have interesting ideas about what constitutes a . . . . Continue Reading »

Afternoon Links — 10.7.10

Robin of Berkeley reports on the deep hatred for God in Berkeley, California . Catholic journalists try to explain to Vatican officials the nature of communication today . Michele Obama claims that the president carries a picture of Mary Help of Christians in his wallet. The Catholic theologian . . . . Continue Reading »



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