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The Killing Disconnection

Today in “On the Square,” Elizabeth Scalia examines The Tolerance Disconnect , beginning with the high rate of abortion for children with Down Syndrome and the bullying of teenagers by their peers, and finds the rhetoric of tolerance inadequate. [T]his generation of teenagers has been . . . . Continue Reading »

Soldiers Against Torture

At the Christian Century , Rodney Clapp has brief article on the brave and noble servicemembers who stand up against the practice of torture : Sergeant Joseph Darby is an army reservist who served as a military policeman at the Abu Ghraib prison. During his free time in Iraq, Darby shot photographs . . . . Continue Reading »

Rethinking Secularization

Theologian Albert Mohler has an interesting interview with influential sociologist Peter Berger: Mohler: For many years you’ve been at Boston University and your books have been so influential. I remember the Sacred Canopy as one of the earliest of your books that I read but had followed . . . . Continue Reading »

Vibrantly Down-sizing

The Evangelical Lutheran Church in America today took action, in the words of Presiding Bishop Mark S. Hanson, to position “the churchwide organization to make a vital and vibrant contribution to the ministries of this [ELCA] church and the work of partners throughout the world . . . .” . . . . Continue Reading »

You Don’t Have to Do Anything

“It is also not surprising that the same viruses that infect the culture of narcissism infect the culture of total work,” writes Anthony Esolen in Woman of Leisure , combining insights from Christopher Lasch and Josef Pieper. . . . .And yet it is taken for granted, even by . . . . Continue Reading »

All Words and No Pictures Make Johnny …

Ambitious parents of very young children are, according to   New York Times story, depriving their children of the pleasure of picture books in favor of more challenging “chapter books,” in an attempt to help them succeed in school. As Maureen Mullarkey writes in Bye Bye Picture . . . . Continue Reading »

Afternoon Links — 10.12.10

The pendulum has swung in our understanding of Cro-Magnon man and his art , as shown in a new book on the paintings in the Ice Age caves in the Dordogne. Fathers in Spain are entitled to leave work for two half hour periods a day for the first nine months of their child’s life for . . . . . . . Continue Reading »



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