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More WJS Commentary on ESCR Human Trial

I am receiving media requests to comment on the embryonic stem cell human trial.  I already have here at SHS.  But I did again today over at The Corner. I point out how the media often fails to report more impressive human studies with adult stem cells.  From “Media Misses the . . . . Continue Reading »

Afternoon Links — 10.12.10

Ten Renaissance masterpieces available online , in amazing detail. Heather Macdonald reports on S an Francisco’s attempt to reclaim the public sidewalks from aggressive beggars, the current laws being idiotic. Matthew Archbold examines the anti-baby science of those who caught between the . . . . Continue Reading »

The Wages of Stealing Stealing Software

A “wages of sin” or “be sure your sins will find you out” kind of story: our senior editor David Goldman writes in his lastest “Spengler” column for the Asia Times that much of the Islamic Republic [of Iran] runs on pirated software . . . .  Most Iranian . . . . Continue Reading »

Erratum of the Week

Despite my best efforts at proofreading, I’m constantly amazed at how many typos I let slip onto this website. Fortunately, none of them have been as embarrassing as this missing letter on a post at TBD: (Via: The Daily What ) . . . . Continue Reading »

Random Observations on Progress, Return, etc.

1. The Conference at Berry (funded by the U of Chicago project on the science of virtue) is drawing near (Nov. 4-5). You can hear about Descartes, Locke, Darwin, Percy, Tom Wolfe, George Grant, Heidegger, and much more. And of course you can meet Ralph Hancock, America’s leading theologian, . . . . Continue Reading »

Getting an MRS Degree

In a reversal of a long-term trend , young adults with college degrees are now more likely to be married than those who receive less formal education: About 62 percent of college-educated 30-year-olds were married or had been married, compared with 60 percent of those without a bachelor’s . . . . Continue Reading »

What Can Iran Do Without Computers?

The short answer is: Pelt Israel with unguided missiles from southern Lebanon. In today’s Spengler essay at Asia Times Online, I evaluate Iran’s susceptibility to cyberwar. The Islamic Republic pirates virtually all its software and almost all of its competent software engineers have . . . . Continue Reading »



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