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If You Vote For My Opponent, Puppies Will Die

This is probably the most effective political ad you’ll see this election season. Gov. Pat Quinn may be a supporter of the right to abort humans, but when it comes to the killing of puppies he’s adamantly pro-life. And that’s what really counts, right? (Via: Outside the Beltway ) . . . . Continue Reading »

Who Says Logic Can’t Be Fun?

On his blog, Ed Feser offers some amusing versions of the informal fallacies , in this case very informal ones. They’re all worth quoting, so I will. Post doc, ergo propter doc : The delusion that a Ph.D. confers wisdom, or even basic competence. Example: “Of course  the medievals . . . . Continue Reading »

Sam Harris’s Desperation Move

I’m waiting for a chance to read Sam Harris’s new book, The Moral Landscape: How Science Can Determine Human Values. I like Harris’s thoughtfulness, his recognition of moral realities, and his stand against religiously motivated violence. That doesn’t mean his attempts to . . . . Continue Reading »

More Errors

Along the same lines as the typo mentioned in yesterday’s Erratum of the Week , at a discussion last night I heard someone ask a question about the pope speaking “ex catheter.” He later referred to someone as a “teetoddler.” Update: Not an error, exactly, but close. . . . . Continue Reading »

The Economic Misconceptions of College Students

Alex Tabarrok highlights some of the misconceptions college students have about economics: Bill Goffe recently (2009)  surveyed one of his macro principles classes and found, for example, that the median student believes that 35% of workers earn the minimum wage and a substantial fraction . . . . Continue Reading »



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