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SHS Funnies

If they relax together at sunset in side by side bathtubs as a prelude, a whole industry could collapse.The evil before the  “plant rights” movement:Why Dusty is Michelle Obama’s “Enemy # . . . . Continue Reading »

Christians in Israel

Readers of David Goldman’s Israeli Christians may be interested in this report on the synod for bishops in the Middle East, quoting Rabbi David Rosen, an adviser to the Chief Rabbinate of Israel, who spoke to the bishops yesterday: Rabbi tells synod that Christians in Israel enjoy freedom, . . . . Continue Reading »

A Pauline Painter

Today in “On the Square,” R. R. Reno reflects on an artist whose work expresses an Augustinian understanding of man who is not at home in the world. Enrique Martinez Celaya, whose paintings are being shown at both the Museum of Biblical Art and the (Episcopal) Cathedral of St. John the . . . . Continue Reading »

Western Man’s Freedom Fantasy

Every day thousands of people in America have accidents that endanger their lives—and yet they don’t capture our imaginations in the same way as the thirty-three miners in Chile. Why is that? Andrew Belonsky proposes and intriguing explanation: [W]hy do we care so much about  . . . . Continue Reading »

Keeping the Spirits Clean?

Although I’m fluent in evangelicalese and speak a smidgen of Catholic, I only know a few phrases of Mainline. Usually, I can work out the meaning, but I need a translator to figure out what Michelle Obama was saying on a recent appearance of the Tom Joyner Morning Show: It means all the world . . . . Continue Reading »

Christian Differences Illustrated

An illustration of the differences that still divide serious Christians, from contrasting stories on the 33 Chilean miners trapped so long underground. From the (Southern) Baptist Press : When the mine collapsed, three of the miners — including Henríquez — were Christians. Since . . . . Continue Reading »

Afternoon Links — 10.13.10

Eastern Catholic patriarchs make demands of the pope , during the second day of the synod for the Middle Eastern bishops, and one also proposes “a bank of available priests” from other countries who would serve for a short period in the Middle East. In 1910, six Americans tried to make . . . . Continue Reading »



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