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The Frustrated Arab Muslim

For those interested in David Goldman’s Disappearing Middle Eastern Christians, Disappointing Bishops from Monday and William Doino’s Singling Out Israel Isn’t Christian from yesterday (both still being discussed), the Italian Vatican-watcher Sandro Magister has another . . . . Continue Reading »

Euthyphro Ain’t No Problem

Philosopher Edward Feser explains why the Euthyphro problem isn’t so problematic : The Euthyphro dilemma goes like this: God commands us to do what is good. But is something good simply because God commands it, or does He command it because it is already good? If we take the first option, . . . . Continue Reading »

The Lesser Evil, the Greater Unity

“In electoral politics you are forced to choose between the two dominant political parties,” writes Joe Carter in United By Our Differences , today’s “On the Square” article. Whether you are a neo-Marxist, a Great Society liberal, or a Clinton-esque centrist, a . . . . Continue Reading »

Turn and Become Like Children

Whether you find this clip cute or creepy probably depends on how you feel about semi-charismatic church services. Personally, I think its adorable. Sure, she’s just mimicking the adults she sees around her. But her ability to get caught up in the worship is inspiring. . . . . Continue Reading »

Priests and Politics

A friend recently wrote, expressing a worry that his parish priest sometimes takes up political issues too quickly and too freely. My friend is by no means a quietist. He’s a First Things sort of fellow, very committed to the significance of faith in the public square. One can’t read . . . . Continue Reading »

More on Conservatives and War

Via Jonah Goldberg, I have more from Corey Robin on his original essay , which is apparently the short version of a longer academic article. (Robin’s comments are #44 and #46 in the list of responses.) You can read my original post here . Here are the most relevant snippets from his comments: . . . . Continue Reading »

An Animus Against Israel

In today’s second “On the Square” article, William Doino responds to the final statement of the synod of the Catholic bishops of the Middle East, and to their treatment of Israel. He writes, in Singling-out Israel Isn’t Christian , that Although there are many fine Christian . . . . Continue Reading »



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