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Dollars for Scholars

One of the more promising innovations in state-level education policy has been the establishment of programs that encourage privately-funded scholarships for students attending private and religious elementary and secondary schools.  Avoiding the hotly-contested political terrain of vouchers, . . . . Continue Reading »

The Beauty in the Insignificant

“If Jesus were to have written a book on ethics,” says Mark Galli , “he might have titled it Insignificant Is Beautiful .” I have a good friend who has been caring for his elderly mother. She sits in a wheel chair, complains a lot, and requires constant attention—to the . . . . Continue Reading »

Islamic Extremes, Christian Mediation

Why ARE so many modern British career women converting to Islam? asks the Daily Mail in their “femail” section. Though the Daily Mail is one of the respectable English tabloids (please note that “respectable” is to be defined in terms of “tabloid”), the . . . . Continue Reading »

Marriage Reasons

In today’s second “On the Square” article, a researcher at the Institute for American Values analyzes the effects upon the marriages of the less-educated of certain elite ideas that the affluent can afford more easily than the poor. “Less-educated women are punting . . . . Continue Reading »

What Makes for a Great Book?

Theologian Fred Sanders, who teaches a great books program at  Biola ‘s  Torrey Honors Institute , lists eight qualities that make a book a “great book” : 7. A great book is weird. It’s got angles, edges, textures, and stuff sticking out that you wouldn’t . . . . Continue Reading »

Hollywood’s Version of Narnia

Steven D. Boyer has an excellent analysis of how the Narnia films subvert C.S. Lewis’s hierarchical world: Then follow some remarkable lines. Says Peter, “Don’t you ever get tired of being treated like a kid?” “We are kids,” Edmund wryly observes. “Well, I . . . . Continue Reading »



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