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Abortion and Obamacare

The Population Research Institute have produced a useful, short video explaining how President Obama’s health care plan will expand abortion coverage in the United States. (Via: FRC Blog ) . . . . Continue Reading »

A Law Up For Grabs

During the health care debate, pro-lifers were reassured that the proposed law would have more than sufficient conscience protections and abortion restrictions. Anyone who raised concerns about a big, messy, and very complicated bill was accused of “crying wolf” . Well, here comes the . . . . Continue Reading »

Romantic Changes

In today’s “On the Square” article, The Changed Times Don’t Last , I reflect on the counterculture and its continuing hold on some influential people in our society, beginning with my reaction to the Dylan classic, “The Times They Are a Changing.” When I first . . . . Continue Reading »

Alien Diplomatic Protocols

A friend sent the link to this very entertaining story — the writer, Stephanie Simon, deserves praise for the writing — which apparently is not a parody: Colorado Flying-Saucer Believers Have Ghost Hunters in Their Sights . Ballot Initiative 300 would require the city to set up an . . . . Continue Reading »

Random Predictions and Comments

1. Some have been skeptical of my prediction below, thinking the Republicans will do somewhat better. (At this point, the Democrats’ keeping the House would end up as one of the greatest upsets in American poliitcal history.) But I note that REAL CLEAR POLITICS points toward a 50 seat pick up . . . . Continue Reading »

Singing the psalms: Psalm 46

Today our church, Central Presbyterian Church in Hamilton, observed the 450th anniversary of the Scottish Reformation with a special worship service. Our minister, Dr. Clyde Ervine, preached on Ezekiel 34:1-13a and Romans 10:6-17. The choir sang this wonderful version of Psalm 46 set to the Anglican . . . . Continue Reading »



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