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MOBiA Lecture Tomorrow Night

Artist Enrique Martínez Celaya is lecturing tomorrow night regarding Biblical themes in the show that Rusty reviewed here very positively.  So consider strolling right past the upturned noses of the irreligious art world into the Museum of Biblical Art to hear something interesting. . . . . Continue Reading »

God Loves Babies

If you’re reading this blog you are (probably) still alive, which means God prevented your hasty demise when you were an infant. The Lord spends a lot of his time watching over babies because they spend a lot of their time trying to find ways to get themselves killed : French media are . . . . Continue Reading »

Afternoon Links — 11.3.10

“Here’s the problem with ‘maybe’: It means different things to different people. And something always gets lost in translation . . . ,” writes Elizabeth Bernstein in The Many Powers of Maybe . “‘It seems to be about ambivalence, but it is really about power . . . . Continue Reading »

The Teavangelical Party

David Brody makes an astute observation : According to a Public Opinion Strategies poll that has assessed the Midterm Election results from Tuesday, (conducted for the Faith and Freedom Coalition) 52% of all people who identified themselves as part of the Tea Party movement are also conservative . . . . Continue Reading »

The Fruits of the Mexican-American War

In Thoughts at the Alamo , today’s second “On the Square” article, George Weigel argues that the Mexican-American war was “from one point of view, a war by what was a sometimes-militantly Protestant country against what had long been a deeply Catholic country.” But it . . . . Continue Reading »



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