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The Imagination of C.S. Lewis

The imagination of C.S. Lewis, an endlessly fascinating subject, is discussed by three men who always have something intriguing to say: Alan Jacobs, author of the The Narnian: The Life and Imagination of C.S. Lewis ; Douglas Wilson, author of the forthcoming What I Learned in Narnia ; and N. D. . . . . Continue Reading »

Not a Cult But a Religion

In Cult Complex , today’s second “On the Square” article, Ashley Samelson McGuire of the Becket Fund for Religious Liberty gives a survey of the ways in which governments try to limit religious freedom by redefining religions as cults or associations or ideologies. France, for . . . . Continue Reading »

Election Links 2010

A few articles on the election and what it means that readers might not have seen: Pro-Life Democrats Ousted as Election Centers on the Economy. “Three of the four Democrats most heavily targeted by SBAL lost their seats, including Reps. Steve Driehaus (Ohio) and Kathy Dahlkemper (Penn.). . . . . Continue Reading »

Of You and Your Works Are We Always Awed

Calvary Church in Pittsburgh, an Episcopal church in an affluent neighborhood known before that diocese divided as one of its bastions of liberalism, recently presented its people with A Seusscharist , “based on the works of Theodore Seuss Geisel.” Yes. Exactly. It begins: Celebrant . . . . Continue Reading »

The Occasional Calendar

The Franciscan University of Steubenville will be offering a symposium on John Henry Newman on Saturday, November 13th. Wheaton College’s Institute for the Study of American Evangelicals is sponsoring a conference titled ” Saving the World? The Changing Terrain of American Protestant . . . . Continue Reading »

Catholics Voting for Republicans Again

White Protestants vote overwhelmingly Republican and religiously unaffiliated voters cast their ballots overwhelmingly for Democrats. That’s no surprise. But what was different about these recent elections is that Catholics are now swinging back toward the GOP : Among all Catholic voters, 54% . . . . Continue Reading »

The NIV 2011: preliminary assessment

On the first day of the month the latest update of the New International Version of the Bible was released. This update replaces both the 1984 edition of the NIV as well as Today’s New International Version (TNIV), which was recently pulled from the market. Shortly after our family received a . . . . Continue Reading »

Politics Isn’t Everything

Politics is important, but it has to be put in its place, writes R. R. Reno in American Politics, the Higher Politics, and First Things . In today’s first “On the Square” article, he argues that we have a deep reason and a practical reason for not investing too . . . . Continue Reading »

Biological Colonialism at the Movies

HBO has a documentary out that apparently highlights the baby gestating industry that is growing in India, which I have dealt with over the years here at SHS (such as here and here and here). Christianity Today takes note in its Women’s Blog.  From “Outsourcing Baby Making in . . . . Continue Reading »



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