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Dylan On the Right

A friend responding to my The Changed Times Don’t Last , one of Monday’s “On the Square” articles, sent the link to a website called Rightwing Bob . The site’s owner writes in his description of what he’s doing that he seeks to redress the balance a little bit. . . . . Continue Reading »

Religion and Public Life at Macy’s

As a read through the First Things archive can attest, the intersection of religion, culture, and public life is usually complex enough to require analysis, not mere observation as a spectator. New York City, the ” prolepsis of the New Jerusalem ,” has been a venue for quite a bit of . . . . Continue Reading »

Oh My Gosh: She’s Running

I am taking a moment from my usual obsessions to highlight something that is more explicitly political than I like to get, but which is likely to have a material impact on the discussions we have here in the months and years to come, so I am crossing the line a bit.  I think Sarah Palin just . . . . Continue Reading »

Afternoon Links — 11.4.10

Liturgical scholar Peter Elliott explains why need a new translation of the Mass , with lots of examples. The “dynamic equivalance” or paraphrase of the present translation “can fail to give us not only what the Latin original means, which is bordering on telling lies, but . . . . Continue Reading »



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