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Afternoon Links — 11.9.10

“Many students,” especially freshmen, writes an English professor at West Point, “do not rate their knowledge very highly; they divorce their private or extracurricular expertise from knowledge they acquire in a formal academic context,” and they need to read Sherlock Holmes . . . . Continue Reading »

For the Love of Bacon

According to a recent report in the U.K., a hard-working cafe owner has been ordered to tear down an extractor fan—because the smell of her frying bacon ‘offends’ Muslims. Mrs Akciecek and her husband Cetin, 50,—himself a Turkish Muslim—work more than 50 . . . . Continue Reading »

A New Age-y Pictorial Fantasia

In today’s second “On the Square” article, painter and art critic Maureen Mullarkey reviews an exhibit at a New York museum comparing icons in Orthodox Christianity and Tibetan Buddhism. Modernity’s Seductive Hedges begins: Modernity offers uneasy secularists two seductive . . . . Continue Reading »

Sorry Democrats

In Who’s Sorry Now? , Elizabeth Scalia asks what Democrats are not so ostentatiously sorry as they were in 2004.  She suggests, in today’s first “On the Square” article, that they may have seen something they’re actually sorry about. . . . . Continue Reading »

Overheard at Yale: Pomocon Ontology II

[Conclusion of the astute synopsis by Mr. Entel, followed by his even more astute questions:] Plato, Hancock contends, enacts this yoke between being and knowing by seemingly affirming the simple superiority of theory to practice, thus suppressing the question of the relation between the good of . . . . Continue Reading »



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