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NYC Apparently Full of Wannabe Heroin Addicts

Have you been wanting to try heroin but weren’t sure how to shoot up properly? Well, if you live in New York City, you’re in luck! Apparently the Department of Health and Mental Hygiene had an extra $32,000 laying around and thought the best use of the money would be to print 70,000 . . . . Continue Reading »

Reviewing Sin

I recommend Bruce Marshall’s review essay of Gary Anderson’s Sin: A History especially for these last two days of Christmas. Marshall shows the interesting history of how sin came to be understood as debt—rather than simply a burden or a wound—and then offers an excellent . . . . Continue Reading »

Spare the Rod, Spoil the Child’s Happiness

A new study finds that young children spanked by their parents may grow up to be happier and more successful than those who have never been swatted: According to the research, children spanked up to the age of 6 were likely as teenagers to perform better at school and were more likely to carry out . . . . Continue Reading »

What’s Good for the Goose is….!

I’m not in favor of nationalized health care insurance but it appears the Democrats are going to pass it. In that case I’d like to see two codicils attached to this possibly unconstitutional legislation that declare: Everyone is required to participate in this program, NO EXEMPTIONS. . . . . Continue Reading »

Kurt the Cowardly Cartoonist

I’m not sure what the Danish word is for this type of thing , but where I’m from its called “cowardice”: An axe-wielding Somali extremist broke into the home of Kurt Westergaard on Friday night as the 75-year-old cartoonist was looking after Stephanie, his five-year-old . . . . Continue Reading »

Tiger and the Truth

Kudos to Brit Hume for encouraging Tiger Woods to “turn to the Christian faith.” Hume will likely get a lot of flak for saying that Buddhism doesn’t offer the kind of forgiveness and redemption Tiger needs. But he should be praised for having the courage to speak out. As Sarah . . . . Continue Reading »

Obama Puts the T in GLBT

Another historical first for the Obama administration: President Obama Names Transgender Appointee to Commerce Department . (For those not up on the identity-based lingo, GLBT is an initialism referring collectively to gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender people.) . . . . Continue Reading »



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