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More on Tolerance

I recently argued against the idea that tolerance was, in itself, a sign of good citizenship . We need to recognize that we should tolerate what should be tolerated, but not what shouldn’t. Well, that’s a pretty open-ended formulation, and it’s helpful to make some . . . . Continue Reading »

Conventional Nonsense

Quoting Justice Scalia, Joe Carter notes that Americans have three categories for deciding what’s real — everyday experience, science, and religion — and that many academics deny the third has any value.  That idea, he writes (with a nod to Churchill) in Prepositions, . . . . Continue Reading »

USCCB Election Roundup

As news of Archbishop Dolan’s precedent-shattering election as president of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops ricochets around the Catholic blogosphere, pundits on all sides are having their say, and more comments and analyses are sure to follow. Some of those already heard from . . . . Continue Reading »

A New Paradigm for Jewish Inclusiveness

In Moving Beyond Ritual , Rabbi Ben Greenberg reflects on “a different paradigm for Jewish inclusiveness.” In the article, today’s second “On the Square” feature, the Orthodox rabbi of Harvard Hillel argues that For a generation we have relied on shared ritual. . . . . Continue Reading »

Evangelicals and Exorcism

This past weekend a group of fifty Catholic bishops and sixty priests attended a conference to discuss how to discern of an individual is truly possessed by a demon and how to conduct an exorcism when needed. Reflecting on the meeting, Baptist theologian Albert Mohler explains why there no . . . . Continue Reading »



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