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Why Adults Are Reading Young Adult Fiction

My son, Andrew, is seven, but he is a very good little reader.  I may have mentioned before that in my despair at the amount of effort he was investing in reading about Pokemon, I put him on to Narnia.  Since that time, I asked on this site and others for books I should encourage him to . . . . Continue Reading »

Defending the Gift of Life

James Hanley has a post regarding abortion arguments over at Positive Liberty that is worth your time to read. It’s not that his position is anything out of the ordinary, but does allow the pro-life community to observe some of the distinctions that mark rational arguments and how they might . . . . Continue Reading »

The Looming Iran Problem

Asia Times Online today has a disturbing report on Iranian efforts to hijack the electoral process in Iraq:The kerfuffle triggered in Iraq by a government panel’s recent disqualification of over 500 candidates from the parliamentary elections in March has engendered a new crisis that threatens . . . . Continue Reading »



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