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A Word About Church Architecture

Christopher Benson and Matthew Milliner have been doing the Lord’s work over at Evangel in agitating for the recovery of a non-pragmatic understanding of church architecture. Of course, they’re swimming up stream among us evangelicals: one whole wing of our happy movement doesn’t . . . . Continue Reading »

Conserving American Exceptionalism

At National Review , Rich Lowry and Ramesh Ponnuru have a valuable essay on “the Obama administration’s assault on American identity”: What do we, as American conservatives, want to conserve ? The answer is simple: the pillars of American exceptionalism. Our country has always been . . . . Continue Reading »

Book Party for Wesley Smith

First Things and Encounter Books Invite You To An Evening With Wesley J. Smith To celebrate the publication of A Rat Is a Pig Is a Dog Is a Boy: The Human Cost of the Animal Rights Movement Date: Thursday, March 4, 2010 Time: 6:00 PM Location: First Things Editorial Offices 35 East 21st Street, . . . . Continue Reading »

Icons and the Triumph of Orthodoxy

A recent post by Christopher Benson on the Sunday of Orthodoxy in which he mused about the anathematising of the iconoclasts ... and what that says about him as a non-icon worshipping Christian. I’m not going to essay and defence of icons, the Lossky/Ousspensky book (The Meaning of Icons) is . . . . Continue Reading »

Job and Christian Theodicy

Frank Turk at Evangel is doing a short series on theodicy. I asked him how/when he would connect his discussion with Job and got the following response.Job is where everyone goes. I think the Scripture pretty much screams out from about every third page an answer which we don’t need Job to . . . . Continue Reading »



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