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Barred from the promised land

I have been sojourning with the Israelites in the Book of Numbers. The twentieth chapter contains an enigmatic story. At Kadesh, on the borders of Edom, Moses displeased the Lord and was not permitted to enter the promised land. What is the nature of the sin and does it warrant the extreme . . . . Continue Reading »

In Search of the Next Revival?

American evangelical history has been, it seems largely, driven by revival events. Whether Wesleyan, Moody, fundamentalist, or the Jesus movement, it seems that our culture has run on a roughly 40-year cycle of events. Moody, 1890ish; fundamentalists, 1930ish; Jesus movement, 1970ish. Then there are . . . . Continue Reading »

Reminiscere: The Second Sunday in Lent

Scripture ReadingsIntroit: Ps. 91:1–2, 9–10, 13; antiphon 15-16Psalm of the Day: Ps. 32; antiphon v. 7Old Testament Lesson: Genesis 32:22–32Gradual: Ps. 91:11–12Epistle Lesson: 1 Thessalonians 4:1–7Verse: Ps. 91:1, 4a, 15a, 16Gospel Lesson: Matthew 15:21–28Lectionary . . . . Continue Reading »



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