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How Glenn Beck Should Sign-Off Every Show

“I think I’ve wasted your time. I think this is the first time I have wasted an hour of your time and I apologize for that.” — Glenn Beck apologizes for his interview with former Congressman Massa. “Yes, it’s true that you may like strawberry ice cream more than . . . . Continue Reading »

An Evening With Mary Eberstadt

On Tuesday I mentioned Mary Eberstadt’s new book The Loser Letters . On Tuesday, March 16, she’ll be discussing her new work at the American Enterprise Institute in Washington, D.C.: Eberstadt will discuss the two levels on which this satire operates, one religious and one . . . . Continue Reading »

Ancient Liberty

One thing critics of ancient cultures often miss is how easy “freedom” and “liberty” were to achieve in the ancient world and how hard order was to maintain.One could curse the king easily in the ancient world with almost no chance the king would ever hear of it! Any society . . . . Continue Reading »

On the Bible and Liberty

This is a brief response to my critics, mostly Frank Turk.I think the heart of our disagreement is the Bible and how to read it. I think the Bible is true and binding on a Christian. If it says a thing, we must do it.Sadly, reading a book is not as easy as one might think. The Bible was written to a . . . . Continue Reading »

On the Square Today

The Dutch parliament is currently considering legislation that would allow assisted suicide for anyone who has reached the age of seventy and has merely grown tired of living. In today’s On the Square feature I trace the recent history of euthanasia in the Netherlands that lead the formerly . . . . Continue Reading »



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