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America to Remain Under God

Although I’m agnostic about civil religion , I think the court made the right call in the decision not to remove God from the Pledge and currency : “The Pledge is constitutional,” Judge Carlos Bea wrote for the majority in the 2-1 ruling. “The Pledge of Allegiance serves to . . . . Continue Reading »

How about a self-portrait?

Damien Hirst’s bisected pig in formaldehyde is on sale at a Christie’s gallery in London for $12 million:Hirst’s 1996 taxidermy-in-formaldehyde piece, ‘‘This Little Piggy Went to Market, This Little Piggy Stayed at Home,” consisting of a pig sliced in half in two . . . . Continue Reading »

Tell That to the Nigerians

Yesterday’s New York Times carried an horrific account of the slaughter of five hundred Christians by Muslim nomads March 7. It begins:JOS, Nigeria — Dispassionately, the baby-faced young man recounted his killings: two women and one man, first beaten senseless with a stick, then stabbed . . . . Continue Reading »

USCIRF Statement on Nigeria Massacre

On Wednesday, the U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom (USCIRF) released the following statement on the recent massacre in Nigeria : The U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom (USCIRF) today expressed grave concerns about the sectarian clash in several villages outside of . . . . Continue Reading »

Free Digital Church Calendar EO Version

Given that this post points to one digital calendar, here is another, this one, Menologion, which offers an Eastern Orthodox perspective.And if you happen to be in or around the Atlanta area, do drop in on the parish (St. John Maximovitch) to which the author of the software attends. I did while on . . . . Continue Reading »

A Hermeneutical Tangle

Frank Turk offers an example of why hermeneutics (what/how we extract meaning from text) is important. I’ll offer a quote to spur discussion:It is curious, to say the least, that many Americans read the Bible and claim to understand what its authors mean. For early Christian authors and their . . . . Continue Reading »

God and serotonin levels

It turns out Karl Marx was wrong: religion is not the opiate of the people; it’s the Prozac of the people. So says the man who originated the concept of male bonding in this fascinating article in Canada’s foremost English-language newsweekly: Macleans interview: Lionel Tiger. . . . . Continue Reading »


The Anti-Defamation League of B’Nai B’rith calls the Presbyterian Church to account for yet another display of leftist knee-jerk hostility to the State of Israel:ADL: PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH USA REPORT“OFFENSIVE ATTACK ON JUDAISM AND ISRAEL” New York, NY, March 11, 2010 . . . . Continue Reading »



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