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There’s Natural and There’s Natural

Can Animals Be Gay? asks the New York Times , in a long and rather interesting article, which treds carefully on the question of whether such terms as “gay” can be used of animals and whether their behavior provides any insight into or guidance for human behavior. Conservative activists . . . . Continue Reading »

It’s Too Good

You might have seen the billboard for the new HBO movie on Jack Kevorkian. I did, this week, on the walk to work. It shows a close-up of Al Pacino, who plays Jack Kevorkian in the movie, with heavy glasses and a half grin on his face. The caption reads “Is This the Face of a Killer?” My . . . . Continue Reading »

What’s So Great About the Great Books?

When it comes to higher education, many conservatives talk about Great Books programs as if they are a panacea for all that ails the liberal academy. But anyone who has actually read those texts will likely agree with Patrick Deneen’s contention that “a curriculum of great books . . . . Continue Reading »

The Unveiled Public Square

In the Wall Street Journal today, My friend Peter Berkowitz offers a defense of French President Nicolas Sarkozy’s attempt to ban the full veiling of Muslim women in France. “Restrictions on liberty in a free society are always suspect and in need of justification,” Peter wisely . . . . Continue Reading »

Now They Tell Us

Remember all the outrage about the claim that health-care reform would result in diminished medicine and death panels to decide what care to withhold? Comes now the New York Times to tell us that, well, actually, yes— that’s what the reform needs : health reform will fail if we . . . . Continue Reading »



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