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Help Us, Help You

A lot of publications brag about having intelligent, engaged readers. But few magazines have anything comparable to ROFTERS —“Readers Of First Things ” who convene across the U.S., Canada, Spain, U.K., and New Zealand to discuss the magazine’s features. Our readership truly is . . . . Continue Reading »

Marx on and off the porch…

1. Well, I’ve been stuck grading a huge number of papers by the overachieving Berry College students yesterday and today. We in the sticks don’t have graders, and our students actually seem to both have fun with and take very seriously their assignments. 2. So I’m just taking a . . . . Continue Reading »

Of Mice and Men (and Other Chimeras)

The French writer Vercors (Jean Bruller) begins his novel, You Shall Know Them , just after Douglas Templemore injects his infant son with strychnine chlorhydrate. Although anguished by the killing, the father had planned the act even before the child had been sired. It was his attempt to save the . . . . Continue Reading »



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