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Feed Your Flock?

Doritos and Pepsi are holding a contes t for a commercial to be aired during Super Bowl XLV. The top five finalists haven’t been announced yet, but I’ll be surprised if this entry doesn’t make the cut. Although it’s calibrated to offend people of almost every faith (even . . . . Continue Reading »

Deja Vu All Over Again

As I’ve noted before, I’ve been following presidential faith-based initiatives since early in the Bush Administration.  I’ve hitherto been underwhelmed by faith-based 2.0, the Obama version. But Obama’s Office of Faith-Based and Neighborhood Partnerships must be doing . . . . Continue Reading »

Praising the Puritans

Peter Augustine Lawler on much our democracy owes the Puritans : There’s little less fashionable today than praising the Puritans, especially for their egalitarian political idealism, their promotion of genuinely humane and liberating learning, and their capacity for enjoyment and human . . . . Continue Reading »

A Deluge of Dead Drugged Drivers

Here’s your crazy stat of the day : According to a National Highway Transportation Safety Administration (NHTSA) report released Tuesday, one-third of all drug tests on drivers killed in motor vehicle accidents came back positive for drugs ranging from hallucinogens to prescription . . . . Continue Reading »

Another Christian Divide

In Delivered From All Stain , today’s first “On the Square” article, I try to explain what the dogma of the Immaculate Conception says and why Catholics can believe with confidence something that really does, in my experience baffle and annoy, and sometimes even anger, their . . . . Continue Reading »



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